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That Transforms
the Cannabis Industry


The Legal Cannabis Market is quickly approaching $91 Billion ( Bloomberg 2021 )

If you could go back and invest in the industry transformation of Apple, Amazon or Uber....


Sophia's Counter Inc. (SCI)  technology (SophiAware™) and services will unite and transform the cannabis landscape. 

Take advantage of the next chapter in the Evolution of the Cannabis Industry and be positioned to earn exceptional returns by being part of the solution!


"The second mouse gets the cheese!"

The first entrants in an industry are not always the ones that survive and thrive. Apple and Starbucks were not first in the cell phone or coffee industries but through careful study, brilliant marketing, and operational excellence, they dominated their respective categories.   To date, the cannabis industry has been unable to provide groundbreaking consumer experiences, consistent premium products, or industry level brand messaging:                                                    

SCI has identified and will focus on the following three (3) areas: 

  • Quality, variety, and consistency:   Retailers need a way to understand what is driving consumer trends, and demands.  They also need immediate access to what is in the pipeline of the producers.   The SCI ecosystem provides this critical information to the retailers through its SophiAware platform.

  • Convenience:  Thanks to Amazon, Uber Eats, and similar ecommerce businesses, consumers have fallen in love with the convenience of online ordering and home delivery. This trend has been amplified by COVID with shoppers working from home and not frequenting retail stores and malls as they did in the past. However legal restrictions prevent those traditional delivery companies from delivering cannabis.  SCI solves this problem.  The SCI services help retail operators manage the regulatory and cost hurdles of expanding their operations to include online ordering and delivery.​​

  • Scale:  SCI provides the tools, and services to super-charge mom and pop operators.  They are instantly able to provide a cohesive online presence, engage with their customers digitally, and seamlessly access consumer groups that would have been difficult to message traditionally.  Those retailers can present themselves as trendy, up to date and modern operations. 


  • In Canada, cannabis retailers are primarily independent, ‘mom and pop’ locations without a network, or resources to integrate with their industry.   This is by regulatory design. Enterprise-level experience and budgets to build and operate sophisticated online ordering, customer relationship management, or inventory systems are hard to come to buy in small ventures. As corner store type operations, the majority of cannabis retailers rely on 'regulars' and have little insight into the consumer trends of their region or the national cannabis industry. In addition, these retailers do not have access to the over 800 licensed producers in the country.   SCI has the technology, network, and strategy to connect the retail outlets, consumers, producers, and other tangential product suppliers together.  Creating a true cannabis ecosystem.   

  • The SCI ecosystem is supported by services provided by SCI, such as retail support functions, licensed producers (LP's) engagements, and end consumer proactiveness.  Retail operators need these services to supplement their day-to-day offerings.  Supporting innovative technology with applicable services is a cornerstone to ensuring a world-class network is built and maintained.

  • An example of the value that the SCI ecosystem provides is demonstrated on the effect of the quality of products available in retail outlets.  Currently, existing retail operators find it difficult to deliver the high-quality, artisan-grade products that many consumers want to buy. This is because the retail outlets do not know what many of the smaller producers have on their growth path, they do not know what the customer trends are, and therefore are unable to plan their inventory acquisitions effectively.  The SCI ecosystem solves this problem, allowing small stores to know what customers want, and what the producers are making.

  • In the last 20 years, consumers have shown a strong interest in craft and custom products. In the beer and alcohol industry, 24% of the market is craft production.  Cannabis consumers want access to premium craft products and find it difficult to obtain them from the majority of legal retail outlets.  The SCI ecosystem solves this problem.



Uniting the Industry With Technology

The innovative industry-focused technology platform, connecting the production to consumption chain, created by a stellar team of well-seasoned professionals, and industry experience solves the problems mentioned.

The SCI SophiAware platform is a mobile-driven cloud-based solution to the cannabis industry.  The mobile app allows for direct marketing and engagement with consumers,  The mobile application is central to providing a regulatory approved method of marketing.    Through the engagement on the mobile app, the SophiAware backend provides logistical support to the member retail outlets, and where needed, seamlessly integrating to their existing point of sales system.

This unique engagement helps drive new consumers to stores, captures data trends on likes and dislikes, and provides producers with exceptional insight into the trends of a particular geographical area or demographic.   

✔ More Customers

✔ Higher Transaction Spend

✔ Customer Loyalty

✔ Superior Inventory Management

✔ Better Market  Analytics

✔ End Consumer Access

✔ Market Moving Advantage

✔ Greater Relevance



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